How it works

If we had to compare a mobile phone with a two-way radios in terms of operation and ease of use, we would find the advantages of a two-way radio to be many. As a matter of fact, a two-way radio:

  1. allows you to make immediate contact with your remote counterpart, without having to wait for the dead times of a telephone call (something which, in any emergency situation, might as well make the difference between life and death);
  2. allows establishing an immediate point-to-point (i.e.: from one correspondent to another) or point-to-multipoint (i.e.: from a correspondent to a plurality of correspondents) communication, so as to be useful in a wide variety of situations;
  3. allows (also depending on the type of radio transceiver used) tactical communications in extreme or  particular situations;
  4. offers a high flexibility during operation, thus adapting to many situations of use.

To lawfully use any high-powered radio transceiver (by high-powered radio transceiver we mean a transceiver capable of ensuring long-distance communications), the general rule that applies in almost all countries of the world, is that the user must obtain a government license authorizing him to use a high-power transceiver.

The aforementioned government license, enables the user to use high-power transceivers (high-power means that the transceiver RF power is greater than 500mW), on one or more given frequencies (a.k.a.: channels) depending on the license provisions.

Government licenses can be of different types, depending on the use one has to make of the transceiver: briefly, we can distinguish bewteen licenses for amateur radio use and for commercial/non-military use.

Radio amateur licenses can be obtained upon payment of a modest annual fee, however subject to a specific technical examination that must be successfully passed to obtain the required qualification.

Even when obtained, however, an amateur radio license only allows communications among radio amateurs and with well-defined rules on the type and content of the radio communications being aired: for example, it is not possible to use an amateur radio license for commercial or civil purposes.

Amateur radio links are capable of covering global distances.

Licenses for non-military/civilian use, on the other hand, are assigned exclusively and allow a much more personalized, if we want, “private” use of the transceiver, however, their annual fee, also depending on the number of requested licenses, can cost the owner/user a real pretty penny.

Radio frequency links for civilian use are able to cover considerable distances, at a regional, national or even international level, but always require a dedicated and expensive network infrastructure to work.

Within this scenario, a private individual who wanted to have all the advantages of a transceiver system for himself or for his company would find himself having a limited choice with a high number of financial and red-tape obstacles.


Thanks to a new technology, which has recently established itself with the advent of high-speed cellular networks (3G and 4G) and WiFi, the today’s scenario has completely changed for those who want to have all the advantages of a transceiver with virtually unlimited operating range!

Today it is possible to legally own and use a radio transceiver with unlimited operating range without necessarily having to:

  • go crazy with licensing and bureaucracy
  • spend (a lot of ) money on governmental licenses
  • spend (a lot of ) money on complex equipment and network infrastructure

Thanks to the new technology we offer, you will be using a unique product delivering all the advantages of a transceiver with unlimited range and even more at the tip of your fingers.

Although they can be used as normal transceivers, in fact, our mobile or portable radios, efficiently use the WiFi, 3G and 4G networks to function, thus allowing the user all of the following advantages:

  • no license needed
  • no governmental license fees to pay
  • virtually unlimited operating range (they work at worldwide level)
  • possibility of using advanced services to transfer data and other information in addition to voice
  • short and long distance communications become fully configurable and manageable by the owner/user
  • high number of ancillary features included (mobile phone, GPS navigator, etc.)
  • voice as well as other confidential data transmissions cannot be intercepted by other as well as random users
  • voice transmissions do not use the conventional channels provided by mobile networks for voice communications, thus resulting virtually immune to congestion problems
  • all our transceivers are “frequency agile” and can therefore change their operating frequency depending on the one actually available in terms of radio coverage (2.5G, 3G, 4G or WiFi), thus ensuring the maximum possible flexibility of use in all conditions of radio signal coverage
  • fully compatible and interfaceable with the worldwide cellular network (you can communicate with your correspondents equipped with a normal smartphone even in transceiver mode, thanks to the special app we supply).

The one and only pre-requisite is to have any data-enabled SIM/U-SIM card available to use with your radio transceiver.